I stay up late reading books and news on my Kindle. I would rather read a real book, but I’d need a light and that would wake up my husband! I drink 3 cups of coffee when I get up, which really isn’t that late since I don’t need as much sleep as I used to. I can’t say that I am normal because a normal person doesn’t own 2,000 books and need to read every day or they’ll go crazy. If I’m not reading, I clean a little bit. That means dusting one room or throwing out junk mail. I write something each day if only a blog post or comment on another author’s social media. I always try to work on a creative project.
Hobbies? Writing, reading, proofreading, editing, revising, organizing, researching, and networking with other authors and interesting people on social media. I love to travel! The farthest I ever been away from home was to Lithuania for a writing class in 2010. I stayed for a month, alone, which is something I’d never done before. My husband and I visited seven European countries for our 25th anniversary-the economical way by train, bus and ferry. We live in Mexico now so we’re doing our best to see the entire country, usually on a bus tour with twenty or so relatives and friends. I love to write about our adventures, such as when I fell down a mountain (a large hill) when hiking. I thought I saw a wolf or other monster-type thing and ran, slipping on mud and injuring my knee. That won’t stop me going on the next trip!
I am adventurous yet quiet and really prefer to be alone so I can read. I love parades, museums, libraries, schools, parks and churches. I don’t shop much, but I love to visit flea markets, fairs, festivals, bookstores and antique shops. I can’t stand to be bored. That’s the reason I hate sports unless it’s ice skating and swimming, nothing with teams. I’m not a team player, not a leader or a follower, just an individual. I don’t like parties unless it’s a birthday party for a child.
I love holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving since you don’t have to give presents. I have trouble choosing gifts so I send gift cards to people, usually sending the information on how to claim their gift from the store. I forget to send Christmas cards and birthday cards, so that’s a problem. I love Christmas food and attending midnight Mass. I do not like Christmas music especially in stores but I like Christmas hymns at church. I don’t like to decorate, but I enjoy Christmas decorations in other people’s homes.
I’m friendly when I’m with people, but I don’t want to hang around for a long time. I would rather sit and talk then play games, and that includes cards, board games, group volleyball and whatever someone suggests. The best party I ever attended was a murder mystery party where everyone was a character. If you wanted to torture me, force me to sit down and play cards or attend a baseball game.
I feel deep sympathy with suffering people, but I have a hard time with bullies, know-it-alls, and mean people. I love babies, children and old people. They are always honest, never boring and I don’t have to hide my real self.
I’m very religious and political and have to control my opinions sometimes. It’s very hard for me to remain silent when someone says something prejudiced or incorrect or mean. I can’t control the world but I can teach them, only in writing, not in person. That’s especially difficult when they’re related to you!
I love comfort foods and I have a sweet tooth. My final meal would be a Thanksgiving dinner with extra whipped cream for my pumpkin pies.
My husband and I have been married forty-three years and we recently retired to Mexico. I taught English at Ivy Tech Community College, University of Indianapolis, Anderson University and IUPUI. I was a special education tutor, teaching assistant and substitute teacher before that. We live in Mexico with our son Richard and our dogs, Buddy, Whitey and Negra.
I was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. I wrote a novel called Emmie of Indianapolis about a very sensitive, emotional, smart, opinionated, friendly, strong fighting young girl in a small Midwestern city. Who does that sound like?
I hope you will return and read more on my blog. Thanks!